000 To Bug Spotters

Shaw Capital Management Financial News: Facebook pays $40,000 to bug spotters

posted by jennrothchild 65 days ago under shaw capital management, shaw capital management warning news, boiler room for groups-facebook pays -40, 000 to bug spotters
Facebook said this week that that it has paid out more than $40,000 under its new “bug bounty” security initiative. Launched three weeks ago, Facebook’s program invites security researchers — both the professional kind and hacker hobbyists — to send it the details of any Facebook vulnerabilities that they uncover. If the report checks out, Facebook will pay a finder’s fee of at least $500.
It’s willing to go higher for extra-impressive bug spotting.
“We’ve already paid a $5,000 bounty for one really good report,” Facebook Chief Security Officer Joe Sullivan wrote in a blog post. “One person has already received more than $7,000 for six different issues flagged.”