Annie Wilson

90210: Will Silver and Navid Shirazi get back together?

Silver and Navid are currently broken up on 90210, but Silver is having trouble moving on. She seems to be still in love with Navid. Navid, on the other hand, has only made short appearances in recent episodes of 90210. The audience isn't really made aware of what he has been doing. So we aren't sure whether his feelings for Silver are mutual.

90210: Did Raj break-up with Ivy for the right reason?

In 90210 Episode 11 of Season 4, Raj finds out that he still has cancer. It turns out his previous result was an anomaly. Throughout entire episode Ivy and Raj are questioning whether they got married for the right reason or not. Raj believes they did so only because he was dying and they didn't plan for him to get cured.

After finding out the results, Ivy tells him how much she loves him and is happy with her decision to be with him forever. Instead of telling Ivy that he also loves her, Raj decides to break-up with her for good without telling her that he still has cancer. The audience is left to believe Raj does this because he loves her and doesn't want to drag her through the pain when he dies. If that is the case, did he do the right thing?

90210: Was Annie right for being a prostitute to pay for Dixon's rehab?

In a recent episode of 90210, Annie decides to help Dixon pay for rehab for drug addiction. Dixon began snorting adderall to help him record music and end up addicted. Rehab costs $10,000.

Annie can only think of one way to get the money to help Dixon, and that is to prostitute herself for $10,000. Did she make the right decision?