Associates And Consultants Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching

The coaching that we provide has two components: coaching the organization and for the individual.

The organizational coaching relates to the institution itself, including budget, planning, staffing, marketing, and fundraising.

The individual coaching covers several areas, all which support the organization. Coaching consists of one on-site session per month, for approximately six months. At each session we work on various items that have been predetermined, to reach our goals. These individual goals match up to the organizational goals.

We examine and evaluate your personal plan and that of the organization; we will help you to think differently about how to build your career, and how to communicate your skills, strengths, and assets to your target employer. With our coaching and program, you will learn to use these skills to give you the opportunity to thrive in the world today. One of the approaches that we use is a five step program:

To build a clear vision of your career
Identify your personal image, or unique brand
Develop a branded resume or CV, and professional bio
Create an on-line identity
Apply key tools and strategies for long term career management and professional growth
Of course each one of these items relates to not only the individual but also to the organization. It gives us the opportunity to work together in developing a strategic long term plan for both, which will strength...