Bark And Co Lawyers Civil Fraud Solicitors London

bark & Co Lawyers Civil Fraud Solicitors London, Civil Fraud -WORDPRESS

Whether you are accused of fraud or a victim of fraud, Bark & Co is able to bring in expert and experienced legal assistance without delay.

For victims of fraud, we will where necessary call upon a partnership of forensic accountants and investigators to help examine your case in detail. They will formulate a strategy and utilize all available legal tools with a view to obtaining maximum recompense for you, the client. Our teams do not hesitate to obtain freezing and search orders to achieve their goals and always work proactively and aggressively in the interests of a successful outcome. Bark & Co are staffed by experienced lawyers complemented by former law enforcement officers who possess a proven record of success in this area.

Should you be accused of fraud, the sanctions imposed on you as an individual can be financially challenging as well as distressing. Our teams are used to reacting quickly to seek to reduce these effects whilst investigating your defense to the earliest possible conclusion.

Bark & Co has unrivalled experience in defending those accused of fraud, in particular in the criminal sphere, and these skills are readily transferable to the civil courts.

bark & Co Lawyers Civil Fraud Solicitors London , Asil Nadir returns to the UK to fight for justice -WORDPRESS

Mr Asil Nadir has returned to the UK from Northern Cyprus in order to fight to clear his name and get justice after almost two decades of exile. Mr Nadir comments “We’ve a mission to fulfil. Somehow, having endured this injustice for 20 years, I feel it’s time now to put closure to this in a most acceptable way.”

The defence team from Bark & Co Solicitors with Mr William Clegg QC and Mr Dean Armstrong are committed to ensuring the delivery of a fair legal process that had been previously been denied to our client.

Updated 26.08.2010 – 22:35:

Mr Nadir returns today to the UK to fight for justice. This follows last month’s successful application in the Central Criminal Court (the Old Bailey) that enabled his return from Northern Cyprus to fight the charges against him.

Mr Nadir agreed to an exclusive interview with Sky News to talk about why he is returning to fight the accusations against him. Watch a pre-interview here.

Sky News will be broadcasting a special documentary “Unfinished Business: Return Of Asil Nadir” at 7.30pm on Friday 27th August.

The Times has been granted access to Mr Nadir’s preparations to return to the UK and also with coverage and a video interview.

BBC news reports his return here

ITN covers his return here.

Mr Nadir will appear before the Central Criminal Court (the Old Bailey) on Friday 3rd September for an initial hea...

bark & Co Lawyers Civil Fraud Solicitors London, Civil Fraud

Whether you are accused of fraud or a victim of fraud, Bark & Co is able to bring in expert and experienced legal assistance without delay.

For victims of fraud, we will where necessary call upon a partnership of forensic accountants and investigators to help examine your case in detail. They will formulate a strategy and utilize all available legal tools with a view to obtaining maximum recompense for you, the client. Our teams do not hesitate to obtain freezing and search orders to achieve their goals and always work proactively and aggressively in the interests of a successful outcome. Bark & Co are staffed by experienced lawyers complemented by former law enforcement officers who possess a proven record of success in this area.

Should you be accused of fraud, the sanctions imposed on you as an individual can be financially challenging as well as distressing. Our teams are used to reacting quickly to seek to reduce these effects whilst investigating your defense to the earliest possible conclusion.

Bark & Co has unrivalled experience in defending those accused of fraud, in particular in the criminal sphere, and these skills are readily transferable to the civil courts.

bark & Co Lawyers Civil Fraud Solicitors London , Asil Nadir returns to the UK to fight for justice

Mr Asil Nadir has returned to the UK from Northern Cyprus in order to fight to clear his name and get justice after almost two decades of exile. Mr Nadir comments "We've a mission to fulfil. Somehow, having endured this injustice for 20 years, I feel it's time now to put closure to this in a most acceptable way."

The defence team from Bark & Co Solicitors with Mr William Clegg QC and Mr Dean Armstrong are committed to ensuring the delivery of a fair legal process that had been previously been denied to our client.

Updated 26.08.2010 - 22:35:

Mr Nadir returns today to the UK to fight for justice. This follows last month's successful application in the Central Criminal Court (the Old Bailey) that enabled his return from Northern Cyprus to fight the charges against him.

Mr Nadir agreed to an exclusive interview with Sky News to talk about why he is returning to fight the accusations against him. Watch a pre-interview here.

Sky News will be broadcasting a special documentary "Unfinished Business: Return Of Asil Nadir" at 7.30pm on Friday 27th August.

The Times has been granted access to Mr Nadir's preparations to return to the UK and also with coverage and a video interview.

BBC news reports his return here

ITN covers his return here.

Mr Nadir will appear before the Central Criminal Court (the Old Bailey) on Friday 3rd September for an initial hearing, where a t...