![]() Black Hawk Mines BulletinIOWA NEWS ITEMS - Iowa Old Press![]()
posted by xiansketcher 9 hours ago under black hawk mines, blackhawkmines, black hawk mines bulletin, promotion, mining
Walt H. Butler has arrived at his home at West Union. It is said he looks bright and happy.
George, the 6-year-old son of B.F. Ibach, living near Whitten, fell from a wind mill, a distance of fifty feet, sustaining internal injuries that may prove fatal. A dispatch says that Alfred Gray, under sentence of death in Wellington, Kansas, for hyptonizing [sic] a man to murder one of his neighbors, is a son of A. Gray, who lives near Batavia. By an explosion of gas in a Japan bake oven at Dubuque the foreman of the department was killed and his body burned to a crisp. The building was also destroyed at a loss of $3,000. While fishing in the South Fork, William Elerding, a farmer living near Lawn Hill, Hardin county, carelessly picked up and opened a clam. In it he discovered a pearl of remarkable size and purity, and it is reported that he has been offered a large price for it. Iowa soil will produce almost anything. The boiler room of the Fordville Coal company's mine at Ford caught fire and the boiler was blown about 200 yards. All of the frame work, and elevators burned. Engineer Baily was bruised, but not seriously injured. The loss is estimated at about $4,000. It throws about fifty men out of employment. Andrew Jackson Wilkinson, head of the wholesale drug house of Wilkinson & Co., of Keokuk, since 1876 died aged 61. He had been a member of the board of education for seventeen years and was f... Black Hawk Mines Bulletin | Preservation and promotion of mining ghost towns. - The-looser-it-s-me![]()
posted by junkxue 7 days ago under black hawk mines, blackhawk mines, black hawk mines bulletin, black hawk, mines
Posted on May 2, 2012 by blackhawkmines Rate this Two of the biggest mining firms in the world, Rio Tinto PLC and BHP Billiton Ltd are teaming up to invest over USD 4 billion to boost their copper output, according to their announcement on Tuesday. Rio and BHP have staked their investment on a high copper demand worldwide as they approve plans for USD 4.5 billion expansion of their Escondida mine in Chile. BHP is even reopening their copper mine that has been out of commission since 2009 due to the global fiscal crisis. The mining site that will produce molybdenum concentrate and copper is expected to have a yearly production of around 60,000 tonnes. Moreover, BHP expects that this resumption of operations will provide for 650 new jobs. Majority of the money is set to be invested in the Escondida operation located in the southeastern part of Antofagasta, Chile. In addition to this, BHP is also planning to resume its operations at the Pinto Valley in Arizona before the year ends. The recovery in ore grades combined with current work at Escondida should aid them in their target production of over 1.3 million metric tonnes by 2015. This is exclusive of the 60,000 tonnes of copper concentrate that the Pinto Valley is capable of producing yearly, according to BHP. Last year, operations at Escondida was distracted by labor strikes and lower grad... Black Hawk Mines Bulletin | Preservation and promotion of mining ghost towns. - Openfaves![]()
posted by junkxue 7 days ago under black hawk mines, blackhawk mines, black hawk mines bulletin, black hawk, mines
Black Hawk Mines Bulletin | Preservation And Promotion Of Mining Ghost Towns.
NEWS— BLACKHAWK MINES: COPPER DEMAND EXPECTED TO RISE Posted on May 2, 2012 by blackhawkmines Rate this Two of the biggest mining firms in the world, R (Career) Source: http://blackhawk-mining.com Category: Career Tagged: black hawk mines blackhawk mines black hawk mines bulletin black ha Blackhawk Area Credit Union: BACU's Community Shredding Event!![]()
posted by hawkins35 7 days ago under black hawk area credit union-bacu-s community s, blackhawk mines, black hawk mines bulletin, black hawk, mines
Shredding sensitive documents is one way to reduce your risk of becoming an identity theft victim. On Saturday, April 21, 2012, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, BACU will be holding a community shredding event at our Savanna office, located at 214 Main Street.
Bring any documents that have sensitive information on it, such as old tax records and loan papers. You will get them shredded for free and protect yourself from identity theft! NATIONAL CREDIT UNION YOUTH WEEK Who hasn’t wished for super powers? Since superheroes hone powers to save people from harm and take action to protect the common good, it’s no surprise that youth around the country admire them. Little do kids know they also have the power to protect the future by becoming BACU super savers! To show kids the powers they have to save and safeguard their money, visit Blackhawk Area Credit Union the week of April 22-28 and help us celebrate National Credit Union Youth Week. This year's theme, "Be a Credit Union Super Saver" shows youth and teens how BACU can help them utilize their own strengths and credit union resources to meet financial goals. Whatever young members are saving up for, their trusty sidekicks at BACU are ready to lend a hand. That's because BACU is for members, by members, and we want our sensational youth to be prepared for the future. So stop by and get in on the action at our Youth Week events: ... Black Hawk Mining Articles![]()
posted by takkiosawa 8 days ago under black hawk mines, blackhawk mines, black hawk mines bulletin, black hawk, mines
Decades ago, huge quantities of gold was being pulled from this town, making it one of the richest place in California. But earlier this month, a different incident of obtaining gold nuggets earned the ire of locals.
Two men wearing suspicious clothing and carrying a crowbar apparently went in the Siskiyou Count courthouse through the men’s restroom window. The courthouse is home for the display of California’s most revered collection of gold. The robbers appeared to have made a hole in the bulletproof glass at 1.00 am through which they have grabbed a million-dollar-worth in gold nuggets. Their stash included a rare 28-ounce specimen from 1913, called ‘the shoe’. They might have escaped several hours before the heist was discovered at seven in the morning. The robbers got away with 351 ounces out of a 624-ounce set that has a value of USD 3 million for the quality of the specimen. Residents are undeniably angry for what happened, saying that it would have been more forgivable to rob a bank than stealing a piece of their heritage which cannot be replaced. Yreka, with a population of only around 7000, is one of the several California mining communities which has proudly kept their golden heritage for public display. This is despite of the USD 1,750/ounce price of gold in the market. In fact, 2 years ago, the county faced a fiscal crisis but they have not even considered selling off their gold collection t... Black Hawk Mines Bulletin| Privacy Policy![]()
posted by mblackhawk 15 days ago under black hawk mines, blackhawk mines, black hawk mines bulletin, black hawk, mines
This Privacy Policy is applicable to Black Hawk Mines Bulletin. It explains how Black Hawk Mines Bulletin collect information from users of this Blog and how we use such information. Your use of the Blog constitutes your acceptance of this Privacy Policy.
When you visit this Blog, we may collect certain data that does not tell us specifically who you are. This is “Non-Personally Identifiable Information.” It includes things like your Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser type, and the last domain you visited before coming to our Blog or the domain you go to when you leave. It also includes various statistical data such as which pages you visit on our Blog, how long you stay on them, and what you click. We may place a “cookie” on your computer. A cookie is a small amount of data, which often includes an anonymous unique identifier, sent to your browser from a website’s computers and stored on your computer’s hard drive. Our “preference” cookie expires after thirty (30) days. We may use cookies to keep track of your choice of language and home page preference; to understand your exposure to certain Internet advertisements as you use the Blog, and to gather usage data that will help us generally improve the quality of the Blog. There is a simple procedure in most browsers that allows you to deny or accept cookies. You should note that cookies may be necessary to provide you with certain features on the the... Black Hawk Mines Bulletin| Terms and Conditions![]()
posted by mblackhawk 15 days ago under black hawk mines, blackhawk mines, black hawk mines bulletin, black hawk, mines
Black Hawk Mines Bulletin wants to further the discussion and welcomes your views. Comments on any post must be relevant, respectful of others and suitable for a general audience. Comments should not violate any laws, contain solicitation for services and goods, contain spam, be knowingly false or contain foul language.
Black Hawk Mines Bulletin may remove comments at any time without notice. If a commentator is found to be in repeat violation of these guidelines, the user may banned from the Blog. If you decide to post here, you will be solely responsible. Comments are the views of the person who posted them and do not reflect the opinions of Black Hawk Mines. The information in this Blog, has been collected from a variety of sources and by a variety of organizations and individuals — all considered reliable. All information is offered on a “best intentions” basis. Black Hawk Mines Bulletin makes no representation or offers no warranty with respect to the adequacy of the information for any particular purpose. In no event shall XXXX or the authors of information provided herein, be liable for special, direct, indirect or consequential damages, losses, costs, charges, demands, or claims for lost profits or expenses of any nature or kind. In particular, Black Hawk Mines Bulletin is not presented as a solicitation to buy or purchase securities especially in the mining sector. Investors are advised to discuss all of their... Black Hawk Mines Bulletin| About![]()
posted by mblackhawk 15 days ago under black hawk mines, blackhawk mines, black hawk mines bulletin, black hawk, mines
Black Hawk Mines Bulletin is all for the preservation and promotion of mining ghost towns that are widely being neglected across the world. We support historical sites and promote the rebirth of current mining ghost towns that still have a lot of potential in generating income and historical value.
This blog regularly publishes news and details regarding mining-sites-turned-ghost-towns to educate people interested in history and to gather support for our cause from different parts of the world. Our group is presently working alongside other associations to keep ghost towns, like the BlackHawk, Colorado, in the map; perhaps, even to try and make them a tourist spot. Black Hawk Mines Bulletin| Blackhawk Mines: Copper demand expected to rise![]()
posted by mblackhawk 15 days ago under black hawk mines, blackhawk mines, black hawk mines bulletin, black hawk, mines
Two of the biggest mining firms in the world, Rio Tinto PLC and BHP Billiton Ltd are teaming up to invest over USD 4 billion to boost their copper output, according to their announcement on Tuesday.
Rio and BHP have staked their investment on a high copper demand worldwide as they approve plans for USD 4.5 billion expansion of their Escondida mine in Chile. BHP is even reopening their copper mine that has been out of commission since 2009 due to the global fiscal crisis. The mining site that will produce molybdenum concentrate and copper is expected to have a yearly production of around 60,000 tonnes. Moreover, BHP expects that this resumption of operations will provide for 650 new jobs. Majority of the money is set to be invested in the Escondida operation located in the southeastern part of Antofagasta, Chile. In addition to this, BHP is also planning to resume its operations at the Pinto Valley in Arizona before the year ends. The recovery in ore grades combined with current work at Escondida should aid them in their target production of over 1.3 million metric tonnes by 2015. This is exclusive of the 60,000 tonnes of copper concentrate that the Pinto Valley is capable of producing yearly, according to BHP. Last year, operations at Escondida was distracted by labor strikes and lower grade ores but Rio and BHP announced that output is anticipated to increase from 2013 due to the higher grade ore in the main pi... Black Hawk Mines Bulletin | Preservation and promotion of mining ghost towns.![]()
posted by mblackhawk 15 days ago under black hawk mines, blackhawk mines, black hawk mines bulletin, black hawk, mines
Posted on May 2, 2012 by blackhawkmines Rate this Two of the biggest mining firms in the world, Rio Tinto PLC and BHP Billiton Ltd are teaming up to invest over USD 4 billion to boost their copper output, according to their announcement on Tuesday. Rio and BHP have staked their investment on a high copper demand worldwide as they approve plans for USD 4.5 billion expansion of their Escondida mine in Chile. BHP is even reopening their copper mine that has been out of commission since 2009 due to the global fiscal crisis. The mining site that will produce molybdenum concentrate and copper is expected to have a yearly production of around 60,000 tonnes. Moreover, BHP expects that this resumption of operations will provide for 650 new jobs. Majority of the money is set to be invested in the Escondida operation located in the southeastern part of Antofagasta, Chile. In addition to this, BHP is also planning to resume its operations at the Pinto Valley in Arizona before the year ends. The recovery in ore grades combined with current work at Escondida should aid them in their target production of over 1.3 million metric tonnes by 2015. This is exclusive of the 60,000 tonnes of copper concentrate that the Pinto Valley is capable of producing yearly, according to BHP. Last year, operations at Escondida was distracted by labor strikes and lower grade ores ... « previous next » |
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