Breast Augmentation Myths

Myth #3 - Artistry is what distinguishes the better breast augmentation surgeon

posted by AlliSchnur 44 days ago under breast augmentation, breast augmentation myths, dr-tebbetts
This one, you gotta love - Artistry is what distinguishes the better breast augmentation surgeon???? This mythical concept is what got us into the whole era of "let's just order up any cosmetic result we want and deal with reality later" that we are living in now!

Myth #2 - - Patients do not deserve choices in Breast Augmentation

It really annoys me that this topic is still relavent in today’s breast augmentation world! The days of walking into a surgeon’s office and simply saying “I’m here, sign me up!” are OVER! Patients are researching and learning about many options, advances and choices that they have in breast augmentation surgery.