Brightbridge Wealth Management Zurich Articles

Brightbridge Wealth Management Headlines: Hulu weighs sale options after approach: source

Online video site Hulu has been approached by a potential buyer and is weighing whether to sell itself, according to a person familiar with the matter.

Hulu is best known for offering free online access to popular TV shows from its strategic owners but last July launched a paid subscription service as a way to expand its offerings to include TV shows from other programing partners like Viacom.

The approach presents another decision point for the jointly owned company, which has shown an unclear strategy and last year spent six months planning an initial public offering before dropping the plan.

The development has encouraged the Hulu board to engage with the banking community to help handle the approach from the “serious” buyer and other potential offers, the person said.

Hulu is jointly owned by News Corp, Walt Disney Co, NBC Universal and private equity firm Providence Equity Partners.

The acquisition approach has not been made by any of the current equity holders, the person said. The buyer is expected to be either a strategic buyer or private equity. No decision has been made about whether the board is prepared to sell the company or not.

Though Hulu has been immensely popular with users, its owners have come under increasing pressure from their cable and satellite distribution partners reluctant to pay premium dollars to carry content that is being offered for free on the Web.


Brightbridge Wealth Management Headlines: Why 64 Percent Is the Golden Mean in the Housing Market: View

Who should own a home? From the late 1960s to the mid-1990s, the answer in the U.S. was surprisingly consistent. Homeowners were savers who could muster significant down payments, with incomes solid enough to enable them to start repaying mortgages right away. During war, peace, boom times and recessions, the national rate of home ownership remained steady at 64 to 65 percent of households.
Starting in 1995, a home-ownership craze began. The belief took hold that rising home ownership meant a better society, no matter how fragile new buyers’ finances might be. Down payments started to matter much less; the same was true of income, which came to be ignored through no-documentation “liars’ loans.” By late 2004, a record 69.2 percent of American households owned their homes.
The U.S. housing market’s subsequent collapse has shown ubiquitous ownership to be a costly delusion. In the past nine quarters, more than 2.1 million homes have been foreclosed on. Lenders have lost countless billions of dollars in mortgage defaults or modifications. Yesterday brought news that the S&P/Case-Shiller index of urban home prices fell 3.6 percent in March from a year earlier, to the lowest level since 2003. The American housing slump isn’t finished yet.
A decade ago, three of the European countries with the fastest-growing rates of home ownership were Spain, Ireland and Greece. All three had boosted their rates above 80 percent, compared with a European average of 6...

Brightbridge Wealth Management Headlines: Destination for Swiss investors

ZURICH – President Swiss Business Council Pakistan Farukh Mazhar, currently leading a delegation of heads of Pakistan based Swiss companies and prominent Pakistani businessmen to Zurich, said that Pakistan is a huge opportunity destination for investors despite all odds.

Mazhar was addressing a seminar in Zurich at the start of an extensive interaction between the business leaders of the two countries, says a press release.
Presenting the opening address in Zurich, Farukh Mazhar said, “The Pakistani delegation is anxious to explore possibilities of mutual interest with their counterparts here in Zurich.”
Pakistani business leaders fully understand the objective behind this initiative and the dynamic members of the delegation aim to highlight investment opportunities.
within Pakistan for soliciting Foreign Direct Investment from Switzerland as well as exploring export opportunities to Switzerland, Mazhar further added.
In November 2008, Swiss Business Council in Pakistan formed an alliance with Swiss Asian Chamber of Commerce (SACC) to work together in order to develop and expand trade and investment opportunities between both countries. SACC headquartered in Zurich is a strong Chamber of Commerce in Switzerland with business links to 12 Asian countries. Pakistan is now a part of this great Swiss Asian business axis. The Swiss Business council Pakistan and its members hugely value this association, said Mazhar.

Brightbridge Wealth Management: What tips are useful for a young adult who is saving for retirement?

to invest with long term in mind
to invest in different types of schemes
To invest thru Systematic investment plan
Select a fund house and adviser after careful study
Do not shuffle the portfolio in the short run
I am an investment consultant

Brightbridge Wealth Management Headlines: Hulu weighs sale options after approach: source

Online video site Hulu has been approached by a potential buyer and is weighing whether to sell itself, according to a person familiar with the matter.

Hulu is best known for offering free online access to popular TV shows from its strategic owners but last July launched a paid subscription service as a way to expand its offerings to include TV shows from other programing partners like Viacom.

The approach presents another decision point for the jointly owned company, which has shown an unclear strategy and last year spent six months planning an initial public offering before dropping the plan.

The development has encouraged the Hulu board to engage with the banking community to help handle the approach from the “serious” buyer and other potential offers, the person said.

Hulu is jointly owned by News Corp, Walt Disney Co, NBC Universal and private equity firm Providence Equity Partners.

The acquisition approach has not been made by any of the current equity holders, the person said. The buyer is expected to be either a strategic buyer or private equity. No decision has been made about whether the board is prepared to sell the company or not.

Though Hulu has been immensely popular with users, its owners have come under increasing pressure from their cable and satellite distribution partners reluctant to pay premium dollars to carry content that is being offered for free on the Web.
