Code Signing Certificate

Code Signing Certificate – Secure Delivery of Code and Content

posted by ClickSSL 16 days ago under code signing, code signing certificate, code signing certificates, code signing ssl, code signing ssl certificate
Developers and software publishers use Code Signing Certificates to attach a unique digital signature to applets, plug-ins, macros and other executable files before publishing them. Operating systems, software applications, devices, and mobile networks look for a trusted digital signature to authenticate the source of the code and confirm its integrity.

The Enrollment Process

When you apply for Code Signing Certificate, you generate a private/public key pair and submit the public portion with documentation to prove your identity. Once certificate authority authenticates and verifies the information, we issue a Code Signing Certificate containing your full organizational name and your public key. It can be used to digitally code sign and content during the certificate’s validity period.

Deploying and Trusting Signed Code

1. A publisher or developer signs a file using the Code Signing Certificate.
2. A digital signature is attached to the file and a hash mark is created.
3. The content is published to website or mobile network or otherwise made available.
4. A user downloads or encounters the code. The user’s system software or application uses a public key to decrypt the signature.
5. The hash used to sign the code is compared to the hash on the downloaded code. A mismatch generates an error, prevents download, or allows it, depending on the platform, application, and client s...

9 Reasons to Choose ClickSSL

1. Important of Consumer Convenience

ClickSSL provides quick and easy to obtain an SSL certificates. Before consumers enter credit card or sensitive personal information online they want to confirm that they are on the intended site and that their information is protected. Our SSL Certificates are trusted and secure. We help you protect sensitive information during transmission when your customers, business partners, and employees connect with you online.

2. Best Products – Lowest Price : Price Match Guarantee

Our SSL Certificates prices are cheap but products are best in SSL Industries. Our SSL Certificate supports 99+ % of all browsers and most mobile browsers and enable up to 256-bit encryption. We proudly guarantee the lowest pricing of all our brand SSL certificates. We always want you buy and renew SSL Certificates from us only. We guarantee lowest pricing and clock around quality support services what make us choice of smart buyers like you

3. One Stop Solution for Renew SSL Certificates

Symantec® – NetSure® Protection Plan

posted by ClickSSL 102 days ago under code signing certificate, ev ssl, extended validation ssl, geotrust, netsure protection plan
Overview: Symantec® offers its customers the NetSure® Protection Plan with each Secured Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate. NetSure is an extended warranty program that protects SSL Certificate customers against certain losses resulting from breach by Symantec of the warranties included in the SSL Certificate.

What’s New: Symantec has recently extended the warranty limits for many SSL products (including VeriSign®, Thawte® and GeoTrust® brands) which, in some cases offer a distinct advantage over the competition. VeriSign SSL Certificates now include up to $1,500,000 of NetSure® protection.

Advantage: The increase in warranty coverage across the different Symantec SSL products is a testament to our confidence in our products and provides VeriSign, Thawte, and GeoTrust customers with the level of trust and security they have come to expect only from Symantec.

New Limits: New warranty limits for NetSure Certificates are as follows and coverage applies to Certificates issued on or after July 30, 2011.