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posted by regiche 15 days ago under ebook, makes
In the recent years, e books have been gaining a lot of popularity. This is partly because of massive growth in the e-book reader market and partly because purchasing e-books is cheaper and more convenient than standard books.
Drop by this website for a range of extensive ebook reader reviews and choose one which best suits your requirements!

Use an EBook to Build Your Brand

posted by supriatin29 29 days ago under business, branding, ebook, e-book, amanda hocking
Amanda Hocking, the 26-year-old current indie queen of eBooks, was rejected by so many New York publishing houses that she decided to go the entrepreneurial route and put out an eBook instead. To date, she’s sold more than 500,000 books and made more than $1 million dollars.


posted by ScottySE 41 days ago under book, ebook, konyv, ekonyv
A Docugate ekönyv olvasó oldalon sok sok ekönyvet találsz.

Alieni il Contatto Ebook

posted by shirpien 341 days ago under alieni, ufo, vinicio de bortoli, ebook
Gli alieni ci parlano, Vinicio de Bortoli ha ricevuto tecnologia aliena, dagli extraterrestri, il Brain Computer Interface, è una tecnologia arrivata dagli Alieni. Scopri il segreto del contatto, scopri la verità sulla guerra d'invasione aliena.