Fisher Capital Management Boiler Room Triad System

Fisher Capital Management Warning: Standard Life Issues Inflation Warning
Joe McGrath, 14 June 2011

Investors buying a level annuity with a pension pot of £80,000 will spend their entire monthly income on basic living costs within seven years of retirement, according to new statistics.
Standard Life researchers have warned that many people could see their retirement income consumed by the basic costs of living as the effect of inflation eats into the money they set aside for retirement.
The FTSE 100 company’s retirement team today warned that investors to take financial advice or risk losing out from inflation restricting living standards in the future.
John Lawson, head of pensions policy at Standard Life, said the cost of living is rising fast for most people in the UK, but this can be particularly acute for pensioners.
He explained, ‘Their spending habits are driven by commodities such as food and fuel bills and these inflation rates are much higher than the overall UK inflation rate.
‘People need to consider how to protect their buying power in retirement from the ravages of inflation over a long period of time, which could be 30 years or more.
‘If pensioner inflation remains at around 6 per cent a year, people with a fixed income could lose almost half of their spending power within a ten year period.
‘There are many options...

Fisher Capital Management Corporate News: Euro Zone Leaders Get Warning From Central Bankers

Germany is divided over Europe’s bailout fund. Finland may be jeopardising Greece’s latest rescue. And Italy is suddenly backpedaling on austerity.

Jean-Claude Trichet and Mario Draghi, the current and incoming presidents of the European Central Bank, had a sharp message for Europe’s leaders on Monday as financial markets swooned: Get your act together.

At a conference in Paris focusing on the world three years after the collapse of Lehman Brothers, Europe’s top central bankers couched their admonishment in diplomatic terms. But the warning was clear: Politicians are still not moving quickly enough to ensure that the European debt crisis doesn’t become seriously worse.

“The solvency of sovereign states should not be taken for granted,” Draghi said as the bond yields of Greece, Italy and other countries with weak finances jumped amid increased investor nervousness. Global stocks also posted steep declines amid worries about the health of the US economy and Europe’s sovereign debt woes.

Europe needs to “make a quantum step up in economic and political integration,” Draghi said.

Trichet, who will be replaced by Draghi when his term expires at the end of October, renewed his call for European politicians to “imagine a federal government, with...

Fisher Capital Management Corporate News: Euro Zone Leaders Get Warning From Central Bankers

Germany is divided over Europe’s bailout fund. Finland may be jeopardising Greece’s latest rescue. And Italy is suddenly backpedaling on austerity.

Jean-Claude Trichet and Mario Draghi, the current and incoming presidents of the European Central Bank, had a sharp message for Europe’s leaders on Monday as financial markets swooned: Get your act together.

At a conference in Paris focusing on the world three years after the collapse of Lehman Brothers, Europe’s top central bankers couched their admonishment in diplomatic terms. But the warning was clear: Politicians are still not moving quickly enough to ensure that the European debt crisis doesn’t become seriously worse.

Fisher Capital Management Warning: BOK issues blanket warning on debt

Bank of Korea Governor Kim Choong-soo, right, holds a meeting with chief executives at the BOK’s headquarters in central Seoul yesterday. [NEWSIS]

Korea’s central bank governor cautioned companies, individuals and the government yesterday on the danger of taking on an unreasonable level of debt.

During a meeting with corporate executives yesterday, Bank of Korea Governor Kim Choong-so said, “corporations, the government and individuals should pay close attention to how much debt they take on.”

The BOK’s 25 basis point rate hike last Friday will increase interest payments for debt holders.

Fisher Capital Management Warning: BOK issues blanket warning on debt

Bank of Korea Governor Kim Choong-soo, right, holds a meeting with chief executives at the BOK’s headquarters in central Seoul yesterday. [NEWSIS]

Korea’s central bank governor cautioned companies, individuals and the government yesterday on the danger of taking on an unreasonable level of debt.

During a meeting with corporate executives yesterday, Bank of Korea Governor Kim Choong-so said, “corporations, the government and individuals should pay close attention to how much debt they take on.”

The BOK’s 25 basis point rate hike last Friday will increase interest payments for debt holders.

Fisher Capital Management Warning: BOK issues blanket warning on debt

Bank of Korea Governor Kim Choong-soo, right, holds a meeting with chief executives at the BOK’s headquarters in central Seoul yesterday. [NEWSIS]

Korea’s central bank governor cautioned companies, individuals and the government yesterday on the danger of taking on an unreasonable level of debt.

During a meeting with corporate executives yesterday, Bank of Korea Governor Kim Choong-so said, “corporations, the government and individuals should pay close attention to how much debt they take on.”

The BOK’s 25 basis point rate hike last Friday will increase interest payments for debt holders.