![]() Popular EntriesEpsilon Enhances Consumer Database with Market Trend Data l Slideboom![]()
posted by radarnold 28 days ago under epsilon management capital, epsilon capital, epsilon management, epsilon capital management, parametric sound and epsilon electronics sign li
Epsilon, the giant marketing analytics and email marketing technology provider, yesterday introduced the latest addition to its TotalSource Plus consumer database, the Market Trend data dimension. Using a set of compiled data elements about consumers, Market Trend helps marketers identify potential customers whose behavior is most similar to existing customers based on a predictive score. "Starting with data from our survey-based data set, Target Source, which contains behavioral data about people, such as frequent debit card users…we use our profile modeling capabilities to find look-alikes for debit card users across our nationally compiled file," explains Laura Lucido, senior product manager at Epsilon. "It gives marketers tools that exist within our data sets without having to actually build a custom predictive model." In contrast to Epsilon's broader offerings, such as income or age-based models, the Market Trend dimension is "exciting because it gives us a way to offer marketing information that's very focused for a specific behavior in a vertical," Lucido adds.
Norton Audits, Inc. l Tumblr![]()
posted by colenmathew 20 days ago under norton scientific reviews, norton audits, inc-norton audits clinical research and trials fr, scary cybercrime headlines-fraud surveys helping
This is an advanced-level class that takes an in-depth examination of severe noncompliance, clinical data fabrication and falsification, scientific misconduct and fraud cases. The course focus is on developing skills for preventing fraud and misconduct and preparing clinical research professionals to better handle severe noncompliance.
Norton Scientific Reviews l Wordpress![]()
posted by hillarydrei 25 days ago under norton scientific reviews, norton scientific anti scam security, norton scientific anti spam web tools, norton scientific reviews, norton scientific reviews -the unofficial guide t
Rumor has it that Microsoft could open up Skype for “lawful interception” of voice and data communications.Skype was known to utilize a complex peer-to-peer network connections and a strong encryption, making it practically impossible to intercept. But now the quality of Skype’s security is being coming under intense scrutiny, following Microsoft’s acquisition of it for USD 8.5 billion.
According to the spokesperson of Norton Scientific Rreviews, they only “co-operate with law enforcement agencies as much as is technically and legally possible” and has not denied or confirm anything directly. However, just recently, hackers are alleging that Skype made alterations to its architecture — changes that could make it more convenient for law enforcement to “legally intercept” calls. Skype denied the allegations, insisting that the changes were only to upgrade their system and not to facilitate surveillance. Epsilon Capital Management’s First Quarter European (Emerging) Economic Round Up
posted by noblenia23 21 days ago under epsilon capital management, epsilon investment house, epsilon capital management-s first quarter europ
This is Epsilon Capital Management's 2 Part Series on the Emerging European Economies for the first quarter of 2012.
In the first part of our report we looked at the Russia, Turkey and Poland the 3 largest Emerging Economies within Europe, now we turn to Hungary and the Czech Republic to round off the remaining economies of interest. Hungary: Managing to keep its head above water The impact of the Euro-zone crisis on the Eastern European nations depended on the extent of their reliance on Germany and their domestic fiscal cuts, going by the fourth-quarter GDP figures. Thus, even though Hungary is not doing well overall, its economy posted a 1.4% year-on-year growth in the fourth quarter of 2011. However, the European Commission forecasted recessionary conditions in Hungary this year as its major trade partner Germany is expanding only at a slower rate. Meanwhile, the deputy governor of the Hungarian central bank Ferenc Karvalits said he does not foresee any cut in the base interest rate until there is an improvement in risk perceptions. In a WSJ interview, Karvalits said a monetary agreement with the European Union and the International Monetary Fund could go a long way to bring down Hungary's vulnerability by providing a safety net. However, the OECD does not seem to be impressed by Hungary's modest fourth-quarter GDP numbers. Close on the heels of the European Union's suspension of some infrastructure subsidies, the international agency u... Epsilon Enhances Consumer Database with Market Trend Data l Sourceforge![]()
posted by adrienhaefeli 29 days ago under epsilon management capital, epsilon capital, epsilon management, epsilon capital management, parametric sound and epsilon electronics sign lice
Epsilon, the giant marketing analytics and email marketing technology provider, yesterday introduced the latest addition to its TotalSource Plus consumer database, the Market Trend data dimension. Using a set of compiled data elements about consumers, Market Trend helps marketers identify potential customers whose behavior is most similar to existing customers based on a predictive score. "Starting with data from our survey-based data set, Target Source, which contains behavioral data about people, such as frequent debit card users…we use our profile modeling capabilities to find look-alikes for debit card users across our nationally compiled file," explains Laura Lucido, senior product manager at Epsilon. "It gives marketers tools that exist within our data sets without having to actually build a custom predictive model." In contrast to Epsilon's broader offerings, such as income or age-based models, the Market Trend dimension is "exciting because it gives us a way to offer marketing information that's very focused for a specific behavior in a vertical," Lucido adds.
Parametric Sound and Epsilon Electronics Sign License Agreement for Hypersound(TM) Technology l Slideboom![]()
posted by radarnold 28 days ago under epsilon management capital, epsilon capital, epsilon management, epsilon capital management, parametric sound and epsilon electronics sign li
Parametric Sound Corporation (NASDAQ: PAMT), a leading innovator of directed audio products and solutions, today announced a License Agreement with Epsilon Electronics for the development and introduction of consumer products employing the Company's patented HyperSound technology. The arrangement is non-exclusive except for after-market automobile products for which Epsilon retains two-year exclusivity rights subject to certain conditions. The license contemplates a six-month development term to create prototypes thereafter followed by a three-year manufacturing term. "This agreement underscores our commitment to executing strategic licensing deals to deploy our HyperSound technology," said Kenneth F. Potashner, executive chairman of Parametric Sound. "These partnerships will open the door for the integration of our patented audio solutions into next-generation consumer products."
Scary cybercrime headlines l Tumblr![]()
posted by colenmathew 20 days ago under norton scientific reviews, norton audits, inc-norton audits clinical research and trials fr, scary cybercrime headlines-fraud surveys helping
British Columbians are worried about cybersecurity but they’re also more likely than other Canadians to share their debit card personal identification numbers with others and take other risks that could leave them open to identity theft and other fraud.
These are among the findings of a survey released today by TD Canada Trust in conjunction with Fraud Prevention Month in Canada. Visa Canada released its own survey, this one conducted by Ipsos Reid that found young Canadians, those aged 18 to 30 are the most likely to share too much personal information on social networking sites - information such as birthdates, home addresses and phone numbers that provide lucrative pickings for identity thieves, phishing expeditions and other online fraud. Today’s releases come the week after Norton, the security company, released its top riskiest Canadian cities for cybercrime risk rankings. The polls and rankings all add up to a lot of scary headlines and ones Simon Fraser University communication professor Peter Chow-White suggest may be designed more for advertising and brand awareness than for research. Glass Packaging Manufacturer![]()
posted by shahid786 20 days ago under glass bottles
Vitro Packaging provides value-glass packaging products Wine, Spirits, Beverage, Beer, Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Food and Cosmetic industry. As a glass bottle manufacturer, we provide the highest level of quality.
Hottest Temperature at 7.2 trillion F in New York![]()
posted by clintonmccage 28 days ago under norton scientific journal, norton scientific research, norton scientific anti fraud resource materials, hottest temperature at 7-2 trillion f in new york
On June 25, the hottest man-made temperature has been recorded in a huge atom-smasher at New York at 7.2 trillion degrees Fahrenheit — just 250,000 times hotter compared to the sun’s core.
This achievement occurred in the particle accelerator RHIC (Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider), a 3.9-kilometer tunnel under New York that researchers use to smash particles into one another to replicate conditions that happened a split-second after the Big Bang. Creating the hot temperature in a controlled environment was done in Brookhaven National Laboratory through colliding gold nuclei with each other at the speed of light. Once the collision of ions happened, the huge amount of energy it emits will melt the protons and neutrons in the gold nuclei, turning into a liquid composed of smaller particles called gluons and quarks. At 7 trillion degrees Fahrenheit, normal matter would usually break down into sub-atomic particles, the gluons and quarks that supposedly composed the earliest plasma that scientist thought resembles the thing that consisted the universe right after the Big Bang happened, 13.7 billion years ago. According to the head of the Brookhaven program, particle physicists formerly thought that quarks and gluons would be in gas form but this new study revealed that it is behaving more like a liquid. And while they already expected to get to such extreme temperatures, they were really surprised of it having an... WELCOME TO NORTON SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL![]()
posted by clintonmccage 28 days ago under norton scientific journal, norton scientific research, norton scientific anti fraud resource materials, welcome to norton scientific journal
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