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Warning: A Review of This Week’s Hot Flicks

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Teen sci-fi enthusiasts is going to be absolutely hooked with this smart, if not uplifting prequel of the original “Planet of the Apes” in 1968 and all it’sTV, film and video game offshoots.

A note of caution, though with its use of “motion-capture” engineering that allows the actual gorillas and chimps to look as full-blooded as those of the humans in the film – a product of computer effects overlaid upon a human actor. That’s why the physical violence and disorder in this movie could affect to and make it look very real to the minds of young audience.

James Franco plays the protagonist named Will, an excellent scientist who develops a certain anti-Alzheimer’s medication, albeit with a viral part. It is tested on apes and resulted in the animals to to grow rather violent, paving the way for the project to be scrapped. However, Will still continue to give the particular medication to his father (John Lithgow), who is suffering from Alzheimer’s. Will also takes into his care a baby chimp, Caesar, who was exposed to the drug during their experiments.

When Caesar (Andy Serkis) grew up, he showed signs of superintelligence. But after he acted violently towards someone once, Will is obliged to keep him in a “sanctuary” which ends up to be described as a kind of jail delivering apes for research. Caesar, after having a trainer Tom Felton) frequently maltreat him, instigates the...