Cloud Computing in Healthcare

Cloud Computing in Healthcare is a topic where my opinion has more value than anyone else. Probably I am the only doctor who has grasp on both fields. So in this article Cloud Computing in Healthcare, I will provide the information of current situation on this aspect and what I or person exactly like me can predict or do in future – Cloud Computing in Healthcare.

Cloud Computing in Healthcare in current state:
Most doctors do not understand Cloud Computing. In order to integrate two disciplines – Health and Technology, there are doctors needed who has excellent grasp on technology as well. Otherwise Cloud Computing in Healthcare will always remain in an otherwise underutilized condition, which it is been now.

Cloud Computing in Healthcare holds a lot of possibilities and opportunities, which is right now used only to host medical websites or to process some data. That is rather a clerical part of Cloud Computing in Healthcare and I am not really interested to discuss about this part of Cloud Computing in Healthcare as simply its very rudimentary thought.

Cloud Computing in Healthcare which can be materialized:
Cloud Computing in Healthcare can offer a big promise – Healthcare as a Service (HaaS). It is not me who has coined the term Healthcare as a Service (HaaS) in context of Cloud Computing in Healthcare. Another person (I can not find the person right now) said about it one year back on the relatively same topic - Cloud Computing in Healthcare. HaaS is my dream and can be discussed later in another article, now just think about Cloud Computing in Healthcare in a broad view.

da Vinci Surgery is a Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgical system where the surgeon works from a console separated from the real operating field. The major barrier is the cost of disposable units. It has itself little to do with Cloud Computing in Healthcare in current state. The reason I mentioned da Vinci is to show the state of surgical art.
Most of you already know Telerobotics, Artificial Intelligence and about some humanoid research which were to build better orthosis and prosthesis for human beings.

Cloud Computing in Healthcare does not mean only file transfer like primitive works, Cloud Computing in Healthcare means faster processing of the MRI images like now used HP’s DICOM format (Adobe Photoshop CS5 supports DICOM by default), utilizing Cloud Computing in Healthcare and AI can predict the possible differential diagnosis, otherwise not possible for a human (read surgeon) to notice or read.

Using Cloud Computing in Healthcare can reduce the cost of da Vinci system like prototype MIS units by using Telerobotics. The challenge in implementation of Cloud Computing in Healthcare are varied. First, intelligent surgeons who can help coding and robotics are needed, second, probably no private health service provider will love the idea of HaaS nullifying real application of Cloud Computing in Healthcare with hundreds of odd reasons.
Simply HaaS or such idea of real applied Cloud Computing in Healthcare will ruin the biggest local business on this world.

To know more information as on our website: » Cloud Computing in Healthcare
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