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Atlantic International Partnership Headlines: Is Fox News Inflating The Turnout At Bachmann’s Latest Rally?

Fox & Friends Sunday repeatedly touted the “thousands” that attended a tax cut rally where Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) spoke, going so far as to make the rally’s supposedly large turnout one of their top headlines today.
Yet according to Fox’s local affiliate, reporting from St. Paul, Minnesota, it was the rally’s low turnout that made it newsworthy. In an article titled “Hundreds Attend Anti-Tax Hike Rally At Capitol: Turnout Significantly Smaller Than Last Year’s,” Fox 9 News reported:

Hundreds gathered at the Minnesota Capitol to rally against a possible tax hike, but though it attracted the attention of some prominent lawmakers, the turnout didn’t meet expectations.


Organizers said that about 6,000 people turned out for last year’s event, but this year the headcount may have only touched 1,000.

Politico also noted the rally’s “sparse attendance” and highlighted the comments of a conservative blogger:

The [Tax Day] rally’s sparse attendance is attracting nearly as much attention as Bachmann’s remarks.

Will Folks, a widely read blogger in South Carolina political circles, termed the rally a “dud” in a post Monday afternoon.

“Politicians, political operatives and members of the media came close to outnumbering attendees at a much-hyped Columbia, S.C., tea party rally starring U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann and S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley on Monda...

Atlantic International Partnership Article Reviews

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I was browsing the web and got bored one day so I thought I’d have my hand on contributing online content, well, just for fun. Since I love reading blogs so much and I write and research like crazy, I decided a blog would be the best thing to put up. (And I have an inkling this won’t be the last.) I hope readers
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