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Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Headlines:Republicans Make Power Play To Gut Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Posted by leyximen ( 94 days ago under hypo venture capital hypo venture capital zurich world latest headlines

On Thursday, while House Republicans were dealing with a small Medicare privatization snafu, their Senate counterparts laid down an impossible marker. Forty four of their 47 members have signed on to a letter threatening to filibuster any nominee to head the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau unless it is dramatically weakened.

“We will not support the consideration of any nominee, regardless of party affiliation, to be the CFPB director until the structure of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is reformed,” reads a letter, co-authored by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL), ranking member of the Banking Committee.

Congress created the CFPB, despite GOP opposition, as part of the Wall Street reform law, to protect consumers from predatory actors in the financial industry. Its intellectual godmother is Elizabeth Warren, whom President Obama has tasked with standing up the agency. Despite her popularity, she’s been a long-shot to run the Bureau when it officially launches — largely because of financial industry and Republican (and even some Democratic) opposition. Indeed, former Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd (D-CT) — who poured cold water on the idea of nominating Warren — warned that if Democrats tried to jam a director through the Senate without bipartisan support, Republicans would go to war against the Bureau and try to gut it.

Turns out that’s what’s h...

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Management: News Corp. Swaps Diverge as S&P Considers Cut: Corporate Finance

Credit-default swaps on News Corp. (NWS) are the highest on record relative to its media peers as Standard & Poor’s says it may cut the publisher’s bond rating because of risks associated with the phone-hacking scandal.

The cost of protecting debt of the owner of the Fox TV networks and the Wall Street Journal from default soared 58 basis points this month to 142 basis points as of yesterday, compared with an increase of 10 basis points for the average contract on Rupert Murdoch’s company and its four biggest competitors. Relative yields on News Corp.’s bonds have risen 31 basis points, while those of similar companies widened one basis point, Bank of America Merrill Lynch index data show.

S&P said in a statement it may lower New York-based News Corp. (NWSA)’s BBB+ corporate credit rating after “broadening legal inquires” into the phone-hacking scandal centering on the defunct News of the World newspaper “increased business and reputation risks” for the media company. The review came just five days after the ratings company said the outlook was stable.

“The court of public opinion can be fairly merciless, and that’s the bigger headwind now,” Tom Farina, managing director at Deutsche Insurance Asset Management in New York, which oversees $200 billion, said in a telephone interview. While News Corp. may not see “direct financial ramifications,” the reputational damage is the larger risk, Farina said. ...

Atlantic International Partnership Headlines: Is Fox News Inflating The Turnout At Bachmann’s Latest Rally?

Posted by leyximen ( 97 days ago under atlantic international partnership atlantic international partnership madrid latest n
Fox & Friends Sunday repeatedly touted the “thousands” that attended a tax cut rally where Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) spoke, going so far as to make the rally’s supposedly large turnout one of their top headlines today.
Yet according to Fox’s local affiliate, reporting from St. Paul, Minnesota, it was the rally’s low turnout that made it newsworthy. In an article titled “Hundreds Attend Anti-Tax Hike Rally At Capitol: Turnout Significantly Smaller Than Last Year’s,” Fox 9 News reported:

Hundreds gathered at the Minnesota Capitol to rally against a possible tax hike, but though it attracted the attention of some prominent lawmakers, the turnout didn’t meet expectations.


Organizers said that about 6,000 people turned out for last year’s event, but this year the headcount may have only touched 1,000.

Politico also noted the rally’s “sparse attendance” and highlighted the comments of a conservative blogger:

The [Tax Day] rally’s sparse attendance is attracting nearly as much attention as Bachmann’s remarks.

Will Folks, a widely read blogger in South Carolina political circles, termed the rally a “dud” in a post Monday afternoon.

“Politicians, political operatives and members of the media came close to outnumbering attendees at a much-hyped Columbia, S.C., tea party rally starring U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann and S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley on Monda...

Atlantic International Partnership Article Reviews

Posted by leyximen ( 97 days ago under atlantic international partnership atlantic international partnership madrid latest n

About Atlantic International Partnership Article Reviews
I was browsing the web and got bored one day so I thought I’d have my hand on contributing online content, well, just for fun. Since I love reading blogs so much and I write and research like crazy, I decided a blog would be the best thing to put up. (And I have an inkling this won’t be the last.) I hope readers
will enjoy this as much as I do. — Atlantic International Partnership Article Reviews

Will keep you posted everyday

Contact us at: [email protected]

Bradley Associates, Bradley Associates Madrid, Bradley Associates Spain

The greenback slid on Thursday since poor U.S. financial information confirmed anticipation, the FederalReserve could keep financial policy ultra-loose for a time, maintaining rates of interest for that dollarminimal in contrast to high profits of foreign currencies.The Fed can be broadly anticipated to avoid increasing prices this current year, and when monetaryinformation is constantly on the let down it might force away Fed steps till effectively within 2012 orpossibly later on."The Fed can't increase prices in a very delaying economic environment," claimed Douglas Northwick,managing director for Trading in Stamford, Connecticut."Granted the U.S. Treasury says currencies ought to reveal financial basics, we view the sluggish (dollar)moving forward.

Bradley Associates Madrid News On Us Dollar Loses Following Poor Info

Bradley Associates Madrid News On Us Dollar Loses Following Poor Info; euro nevertheless susceptible.Bradley Associates has developed an extensive network of professional resources. We select fromamong an array of carefully chosen managers to structure portfolios that meet the needs of our clients.We help our clients stay competitive in the constantly changing markets of the modern world.The greenback slid on Thursday since poor U.S. financial information confirmed anticipation, the FederalReserve could keep financial policy ultra-loose for a time, maintaining rates of interest for that dollarminimal in contrast to high profits of foreign currencies.The Fed can be broadly anticipated to avoid increasing prices this current year, and when monetaryinformation is constantly on the let down it might force away Fed steps till effectively within 2012 orpossibly later on."The Fed can't increase prices in a very delaying economic environment," claimed Douglas Northwick,managing director for Trading in Stamford, Connecticut."Granted the U.S. Treasury says currencies ought to reveal financial basics, we view the sluggish (dollar)moving forward."Information exhibiting the downturn in production rise in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic area with an unpredicteddrop on current residence selling in April brought on dollar offering as well as put into increasingindications that U.S. monetary leads have been hardly positive.Many worldwide central banks previously set out on the route for financia...

Bradley Associates: Portfolio Essentials

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