Hypo Venture Capital Zurich News Headlines

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Headlines:Obama sees China as a partner in Mars mission

WASHINGTON — U.S. President Barack Obama views China as a potential partner for an eventual human mission to Mars that would be difficult for any single nation to undertake, a senior White House official told lawmakers.Testifying May 4 before the House Appropriations subcommittee on commerce, justice and science, White House science adviser John Holdren said near-term engagement with China in civil space will help lay the groundwork for any such future endeavor. He prefaced his remarks with the assertion that human exploration of Mars is a long-term proposition and that any discussion of cooperating with Beijing on such an effort is speculative.
“(What) the president has deemed worth discussing with the Chinese and others is that when the time comes for humans to visit Mars, it’s going to be an extremely expensive proposition and the question is whether it will really make sense — at the time that we’re ready to do that — to do it as one nation rather than to do it in concert,” Holdren said in response to a question from Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., a staunch China critic who chairs the powerful subcommittee that oversees NASA spending.

Hypo Venture Capital World Headlines

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Headlines: Google+ Pulls In 20 Million in 3 Weeks

When Google Inc. launched its Google+ social-networking site three weeks ago, executives handed out sailor hats to the hundreds of employees working on the project, symbolizing their year-long journey to that point.

So far, the sailing has been mostly smooth. On Wednesday, Web-traffic watcher comScore Inc. estimated Google+ has had 20 million unique visitors since its launch, including five million visitors from the U.S. A Google spokeswoman declined comment.

Google’s rapid growth spurt on Google+ suggests that people are hungry for more social network options, WSJ’s Jen Valentino-DeVries reports.

ComScore, whose estimates are based on a “global measurement panel” of two million Internet users, similar to the approach Nielsen uses to measure television ratings,doesn’t have data on the number of minutes people spent on Google+.

Still, the growth of Google+ has impressed observers because access to it is by invitation only, meaning people can join only if a current member invites them. And the company hasn’t yet marketed the service to the more than one billion monthly visitors who use its search engine, Gmail and other services.

Google+ lets people share comments, articles, photos and videos with various “circles” of friends or contacts, or they can share content publicly with any userwho wants...

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Breaking News and Latest Research

Dennis and Tory Wentworth prepared to plant new refuge in the bag technology from Monsanto. (Photo by WJBC/Carrie Muehling)
McLean County Farmer Dennis Wentworth is among the first of farmers in the Corn Belt planting the newest biotech corn product this spring – DEKALB Genuity SmartStax RIB Complete. It’s Monsanto’s new refuge in the bag technology, which offers simplified planting without the need for a separate, structured refuge because the trait and refuge seed are blended into a one-bag system.
“This new refuge in the bag product will not require the 20% refuge that doesn’t have the newer genetics. So you’re able to plant the entire field with the refuge in the bag and not have to separate out two different varieties in the same field,” said Wentworth. “Typically with the refuge product in the past, you would go ahead and use a rootworm insecticide chemical, and this product will allow us not to use that product. I think it’s another means of being good stewards and using plant technology to allow us not to use man-made products. I think all us farmers are interested in doing a better job of being stewards of not just the soil but of the crop that we produce.”
Wentworth said he started planting a month ago, but was halted by the rain two weeks ago and was just getting back to the fields on Friday. The Wentworths and many other farmers in the area ran long hours this weekend ahead of the rain that is in the forecast for the nex...


Article by Stephen Holmes

Here at Hypo Venture Capital we are committed to offering our clients access to the latest and broadest range of financial services and products on the market. We know that choosing the right strategy, the right investment and the right product is no easy task in this day and age! Whether its advice, investments or financial planning we are here to answer all your questions and facilitate all your financial needs.Investing money in 2011 through 2012 may require that most people change their thinking about the best investment strategy. Traditional investing strategy for average folks suggests an asset allocation of over 50% to stock funds, about 40% to bond funds, and the rest to perhaps a precious metals (gold) fund for added diversification. In the world of investing money, times are changing; especially for bonds and gold.In putting together your investment strategy one of the best ways to focus is to consider the flow of money between asset classes over the recent months and years. In the investing world money always goes someplace, and it tends to concentrates in different areas at different times. When money floods an asset class like bonds or gold, prices can rise dramatically. When it makes a grand exit prices can tumble. Extremes in price movements should grab your attention when investing money for 2011 and beyond, especially when you hear mention of the word “bubble”.In the months leading up to 2011, investors both large an...

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Breaking News and Latest Research

Dennis and Tory Wentworth prepared to plant new refuge in the bag technology from Monsanto. (Photo by WJBC/Carrie Muehling)
McLean County Farmer Dennis Wentworth is among the first of farmers in the Corn Belt planting the newest biotech corn product this spring – DEKALB Genuity SmartStax RIB Complete. It’s Monsanto’s new refuge in the bag technology, which offers simplified planting without the need for a separate, structured refuge because the trait and refuge seed are blended into a one-bag system.
“This new refuge in the bag product will not require the 20% refuge that doesn’t have the newer genetics. So you’re able to plant the entire field with the refuge in the bag and not have to separate out two different varieties in the same field,” said Wentworth. “Typically with the refuge product in the past, you would go ahead and use a rootworm insecticide chemical, and this product will allow us not to use that product. I think it’s another means of being good stewards and using plant technology to allow us not to use man-made products. I think all us farmers are interested in doing a better job of being stewards of not just the soil but of the crop that we produce.”
Wentworth said he started planting a month ago, but was halted by the rain two weeks ago and was just getting back to the fields on Friday. The Wentworths and many other farmers in the area ran long hours this weekend ahead of the rain that is in the forecast for the nex...


Article by Stephen Holmes

Here at Hypo Venture Capital we are committed to offering our clients access to the latest and broadest range of financial services and products on the market. We know that choosing the right strategy, the right investment and the right product is no easy task in this day and age! Whether its advice, investments or financial planning we are here to answer all your questions and facilitate all your financial needs.Investing money in 2011 through 2012 may require that most people change their thinking about the best investment strategy. Traditional investing strategy for average folks suggests an asset allocation of over 50% to stock funds, about 40% to bond funds, and the rest to perhaps a precious metals (gold) fund for added diversification. In the world of investing money, times are changing; especially for bonds and gold.In putting together your investment strategy one of the best ways to focus is to consider the flow of money between asset classes over the recent months and years. In the investing world money always goes someplace, and it tends to concentrates in different areas at different times. When money floods an asset class like bonds or gold, prices can rise dramatically. When it makes a grand exit prices can tumble. Extremes in price movements should grab your attention when investing money for 2011 and beyond, especially when you hear mention of the word “bubble”.In the months leading up to 2011, investors both large an...