Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Breaking News and Latest Research

Dennis and Tory Wentworth prepared to plant new refuge in the bag technology from Monsanto. (Photo by WJBC/Carrie Muehling)
McLean County Farmer Dennis Wentworth is among the first of farmers in the Corn Belt planting the newest biotech corn product this spring – DEKALB Genuity SmartStax RIB Complete. It’s Monsanto’s new refuge in the bag technology, which offers simplified planting without the need for a separate, structured refuge because the trait and refuge seed are blended into a one-bag system.
“This new refuge in the bag product will not require the 20% refuge that doesn’t have the newer genetics. So you’re able to plant the entire field with the refuge in the bag and not have to separate out two different varieties in the same field,” said Wentworth. “Typically with the refuge product in the past, you would go ahead and use a rootworm insecticide chemical, and this product will allow us not to use that product. I think it’s another means of being good stewards and using plant technology to allow us not to use man-made products. I think all us farmers are interested in doing a better job of being stewards of not just the soil but of the crop that we produce.”
Wentworth said he started planting a month ago, but was halted by the rain two weeks ago and was just getting back to the fields on Friday. The Wentworths and many other farmers in the area ran long hours this weekend ahead of the rain that is in the forecast for the next few days.
» Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Breaking News and Latest Research
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