Bing Press Releases - Norton Scientific Announces New Sales Partner in Washington DC Area - Forum

posted by geraldyoungster 1 days ago under norton scientific, press release -norton scientific announces new sa
Norton Scientific today announced that the company has signed a deal with Advanced Scientific Technologies (AST), an independent sales rep company in Columbia, Maryland, to sell and support the Norton product line.

"Tom Hill, the President of AST, is very excited about bringing the PAM and AstraGene products to the mid-Atlantic region of the United States," states Bryan Webb, President, Norton Scientific. The deal covers the District of Columbia, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, South/Central Pennsylvania (including Pittsburgh) and South Jersey (south of Toms River).

AST has a synergistic line of products including: Permeability & Solubility, pKa & log P, Dissolution, Microarrays, Scanner and Oligosynthesizer, 96/384 Plate-to-Plate transfers, Thermocyclers, Microfuges, Thermoshaker, Hybridization Oven, Electrophoresis and Electroblotting Systems, Power Supplies and Pipettes.

Based in the Niagara Region of Canada, Norton was established in 2010 to take the knowledge and experience of the founders dating back 20+ years in the analysis of complex macromolecular & nano-particulate materials and design innovative measurement tools for use by bench scientists working in modern research facilities.

Initial target markets for Norton are the important biochemical applications of protein aggregate screening and the kinetics of protein-protein interactions. Future developments will broaden this base to include applications in biopharmaceutical research, drug delivery, wound healing, advanced materials, food safety, brewing and viticulture, bio-materials and in-water pollution monitoring. » Bing Press Releases - Norton Scientific Announces New Sales Partner in Washington DC Area - Forum
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