Brightbridge Wealth Management Headlines: Zurich streets among Europe’s most congested
Everyone needs to learn to share the streets
Zurich car drivers spend more time stuck in traffic jams than in most other European cities, but the city is unrepentant about its pedestrian friendly policy.
A recent survey has revealed that more than a quarter of roads in Switzerland’s main business conglomeration are clogged, putting Zurich in 16th place in the list of most congested cities.
The survey by Dutch navigation system maker TomTom comes days after a critical report in the New York Times accusing Zurich of “working overtime in recent years to torment drivers”.
The article reports that traffic lights are programmed to favour trams while pedestrian crossings have been moved from underground passages to street level.
The TomTom analysis found that daytime traffic on 27.4 per cent of Zurich city’s streets was forced to travel less than 70 per cent as fast as during the night when roads are less busy.
» Brightbridge Wealth Management Headlines: Zurich streets among Europe’s most congested
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