Dynamic Wealth Management Headlines: Franc Falls to 3-Week Low Versus Dollar; Hildebrand Will Stay![]()
posted by uliciahenderson 66 days ago under dynamic wealth management, dynamic wealth management zurich, dynamic wealth management headlines-franc falls t, dynamic wealth management headlines-tips for holi
Jan. 5 (Bloomberg) — The Swiss franc fell to a three-week low versus the dollar as Philipp Hildebrand said he’ll stay on as central bank president and that he didn’t abuse his position after his wife traded the two currencies in August.
“I acted not only according to the rules, but also in an appropriate manner,” Hildebrand said today at a press conference in Zurich. Kashya Hildebrand spent 400,000 francs to buy $504,000 on Aug. 15, three weeks before the SNB capped the currency at 1.20 euros, according to a report by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP that was released yesterday by the central bank. » Dynamic Wealth Management Headlines: Franc Falls to 3-Week Low Versus Dollar; Hildebrand Will Stay |
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