Fisher Capital Management World News:IMF says financial conditions remain fragile

WASHINGTON (Commodity Online) : The IMF in its World Economic Outlook report said global financial conditions continue to improve after the global crisis, although they remain unusually fragile.

The IMF report emphasizes the need to keep interest rates low in advanced economies like the UK in order to strengthen their recovery.

International Monetary Fund added that oil prices and inflation in emerging economies pose new risks to global recovery but are not yet strong enough to derail it.

Soaring costs for basic staples stoked the social and economic tensions that have roiled the Arab world. Street protests have toppled dictatorships in Egypt and Tunisia, and left leaders in Yemen and Libya fighting to cling to power.

The Fund said inflation pressures were likely to build in developing countries as people pushed for higher wages in the face of pricier food and fuel. » Fisher Capital Management World News:IMF says financial conditions remain fragile
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