How SSL Certificate helps us to gain the customers?

EV SSL Certificate stands for Extended Validation secure socket layer. EV SSL certificate provides highest level of security in the industry. SSL Certificate has become fundamental requirement of today’s e commerce business.

Customers trust Extended Validation SSL Certificate the most. One cannot easily get Extended Validation SSL Certificate. In order to get Extended Validation SSL Certificate, Certificate Authority has to investigate about your organization. You have to submit so many documents for that.

The following entities are eligible provided they are currently registered with and approved by an official registration agency in their jurisdiction.

Government agencies
Unincorporated associations
General partnerships
Sole proprietorships


The organization must be verifiable for getting EV SSL Certificate.

These organizations must have a confirmable physical existence business presence.

Any assumed business names should be verifiable.

A principal individual related with the business must be validated and that person must confirm agreement to the certificate subscriber agreement.

The organization cannot be located in a country where listed on any government prohibited list such trade stoppage restriction.

A legal persuasion letter may be required to assure that the requestor has the right to get SSL Certificates or SSL Certificate on behalf of the organization. The legal opinion letter also may be used to confirm the organization registration, organization address, contact number, domain ownership, and the organization’s business status.

The physical address may, alternatively, be confirmed by a physical site visit. Once confirmed, the requestor may be able to purchase additional SSL Certificates based on the original letter. If a legal opinion letter cannot be obtained, our Certification Practice Statement outlines alternate authentication and verification processes. » How SSL Certificate helps us to gain the customers?
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