Increase visitors from search engines by distributing pdf files

In a reference work it may be interesting to index your documents online. Typically when a company makes a white paper available on its website, it is in PDF format.

The advantage of this format is that it preserves the formatting (fonts, pictures, graphical objects etc.) as it was defined by its author. Indeed, when you send a Microsoft Word document has a back draw, it does not necessarily use the sameIncrease visitors from search engines word processing software, not the same fonts installed on his computer and so on. So the formatting is not followed.

You are aware that the search engines do index PDF files. Want proof? Enter a keyword followed by filetype: pdf in your favorite search engine. This command tells Google that you are looking documents whose format is PDF (but it also works with . doc, . avi etc.). Like any HTML page it is possible to be indexed by Google with a few links.

The work now is to work the optimization using techniques specific for this type of document. Through testing, it provides essential information: we know what factors are taken into account by Google in its algorithm for indexing PDF files. Now it is the textual content (not surprisingly), the URL and title.

Not surprisingly, since the optimization of PDF is very similar to the optimization of any other HTML document. We must therefore take care in preparing your file. Verify that the text in the document is text, not images of text. Then choose a filename that is consistent, i.e. with good keywords related to the subject.

Last thing, remember to work with the meta title of your document. Treat it like you treat a title tag, in fact, Google generally takes this metadata for use as a title in its search results.

» Increase visitors from search engines by distributing pdf files
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