Rep. Toomey Supports Amendment to Prevent Corporations From Making Political Contributions![]()
posted by cookode 78 days ago under eldridge financial news, eldridge financial blog, rep-toomey supports amendment to prevent corporat, eldridge financial blog-while energy costs, u-s-worries in economic expansion
In the recent "Citizens United" ruling, the U.S Supreme Court gave corporations and unions the same political speech rights as individuals under the First Amendment. The Court ruled that there was no basis for prohibiting corporations and unions from using their general treasury funds to make election-related independent expenditures.
Citizens United has unleashed an unprecedented amount of corporate money into our political process, presenting a serious and direct threat to the nature of our democracy. The ruling provides corporations with the tools necessary to invalidate very important and democratically-enacted reforms. For instance, the Court ruled that the independent expenditures do not give rise to corruption of elected officials or the appearance of corruption. In other words, the Supreme Court reasoned that corporations’ access to or influence over elected officials does not give rise to corruption, which in turn, will not cause the electorate to lose faith in our democracy. » Rep. Toomey Supports Amendment to Prevent Corporations From Making Political Contributions |
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