Shaw Capital Scam Prevention : Smartphone apps leave users open to account theft

posted by katpascals 86 days ago under shaw capital management, shaw capital management warning news, shaw capital scam prevention -smartphone apps lea
Security firm was able to recover 76 out of 100 user names for apps tested

The majority of mobile apps leave their users’ sensitive account data unencrypted on their phones, according to a new study.

The security firm ViaForensics examined 100 apps for Apple iPhones and Google Android phones and found that three-quarters of them, including LinkedIn, Netflix and Groupon, store app customers’ user names in plain text on their phones.

“Looking specifically at storage of user names, we were able to recover 76 out of 100 user names for apps tested,” ViaForensics wrote. “At present, providers do not appear to consider the security implications of plain text storage of user names. » Shaw Capital Scam Prevention : Smartphone apps leave users open to account theft
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