springhill group: Major crackdown in fake medicine scam![]()
posted by angelikiah 17 hours ago under springhill medical fraud group seoul korea, springhill medical group recent korea articles, major crackdown in fake medicine scam
The suspects also put sedative and hallucinogenic chemicals into the tablets to deceiveconsumers into believing that the fake drugs had an effect.
Police also found bottles of normal saline solution labeled as a rabies vaccine. The ministry said it has destroyed a large number of production sites and trade channels in thepast two years. However, the crime is "far from being rooted out, as such criminals have come up with newmethods", the ministry said in its online statement. The ministry also said it had found sham promotions of fake products on the Internet, televisionand magazines during the crackdown. A ministry spokesperson warned that people should purchase medicines in hospitals andpharmacies who are trusted vendors of genuine products, and advised against buyingmedicines that do not have approved names and numbers distributed by the SFDA. "The ministry welcomes reports on the manufacture and sale of fake drugs," read the ministrystatement. "We will reward informers 500 to 50,000 yuan if the report is found to be true. Weoffer ample rewards to those who play an important role in cracking large gangs committingsuch crimes." Li Zhongdong, a pharmacist at the Air Force General Hospital in Beijing, said the crime is likelyto continue because of "the huge profits" it brings. "Fake medicines are usually sold to small clinics and small pharmacies," Li said. "There arepeople who choose to seek medical help from these places, possibly because of lower prices orprivacy concerns, which may increase their chances of getting such counterfeit products andtheir sales." Li suggested buyers check with the online inquiry system at the SFDA to ensure the medicinesthey bought are genuine. The system provides information such as the name and approval number of medicines whoseproduction has been approved by the SFDA » springhill group: Major crackdown in fake medicine scam |
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