The Great Renewable Energy Scam: Is There A Change In The Wind? l Wordpress![]()
posted by mavinichs 23 hours ago under crown capital management renewable energy
People don’t like being forced to purchase things they may not want, which is why over half of us are hoping that the Supreme Court throws out the individual insurance mandate in President Barack Obama’s health care plan.
There’s also a worldwide rebellion brewing against being forced to purchase expensive electricity produced by so-called “renewable” sources, now being exacerbated by the availability of very cheap natural gas from shale formations. But, here in the U.S. there are some 30 different statewide “renewable portfolio standards” (RPSs) that also mandate pricey power, usually under the guise of fighting dreaded global warming. See more: » The Great Renewable Energy Scam: Is There A Change In The Wind? l Wordpress |
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