![]() gabinobakerBP Holdings Capital Management Fact Sheet for TNK-BP
Posted by gabinobaker (news.silobreaker.se) 4 days ago under bp holdings capital management fact sheet for tnk-
Name: TNK-BP
Nationality: Russian Federation Nationality: United Kingdom WebAddress: http://www.tnk-bp.com/ General: TNK-BP is a leading Russian oil company and is among the top ten privately-owned oil companies in the world in terms of crude oil production. The company was formed in 2003 as a result of the merger of BP’s Russian oil and gas assets and the oil and gas assets of Alfa, Access/Renova group (AAR). BP and AAR each own 50% of TNK-BP. The shareholders of TNK-BP also own close to 50% of Slavneft, a vertically integrated Russian oil company. TNK-BP is a vertically integrated oil company with a diversified upstream and downstream portfolio in Russia and Ukraine. The company’s upstream operations are located primarily in West Siberia (Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Districts, Tyumen Region), East Siberia (Irkutsk Region), and Volga-Urals (Orenburg Region). In 2008 the company (including its 50% share in Slavneft) produced on average 1.85 mboed. The independent audit conducted by DeGolyer and MacNaughton confirmed that as of 31 December 2008 TNK-BP’s Total Proved Reserves 10.252 billion barrels of oil equivalent, applying PRMS (formerly SPE) criteria. Proved Reserves constitutes a Total Proved PRMS reserve replacement ratio of 146%. Under SEC methodology on a life of field (LOF) basis, TNK-BP’s Total Proved Reserves were 8.112 billion barrels of oil equivalent. This represents a Total Proved SEC (LOF) reserves replacemen... Milestone AMG Private Clients FERROVANADIUM
Posted by gabinobaker (www.amg-nv.com) 31 days ago under milestone amg private clients milestone amg group ferrovanadium
Through the use of a proprietary, environmentally friendly process, AMG is the largest producer of ferrovanadium in North America and the largest recycler of waste streams used to produce vanadium in the world. AMG’s advanced technological process recovers these valuable specialty metals from hazardous waste, eliminating the need to landfill this waste. AMG estimates that the energy consumption used to produce recycled vanadium is approximately 60% of primary manufacturing routes.
Ferrovanadium is a key component in the production of carbon steel used for infrastructure. When added to crude steel, ferrovanadium creates a product that is lightweight and extremely high in tensile strength and wear resistance. AMG’s ferrovanadium is marketed under the FEROVAN® brand name. AMG also produces ferro-nickel-moly Ingots under the FeNiMoly® brand name as part of our unique FEROVAN® process. FeNiMoly® is used to create high quality stainless steel and special bar quality steel. For more information: http://www.amg-v.com/ Rep. Toomey Supports Amendment to Prevent Corporations From Making Political Contributions - Somerville, MA Patch
Posted by gabinobaker (somerville.patch.com) 180 days ago under eldridge financial news eldridge financial blog rep-toomey supports amend
In the recent "Citizens United" ruling, the U.S Supreme Court gave corporations and unions the same political speech rights as individuals under the First Amendment. The Court ruled that there was no basis for prohibiting corporations and unions from using their general treasury funds to make election-related independent expenditures.
Citizens United has unleashed an unprecedented amount of corporate money into our political process, presenting a serious and direct threat to the nature of our democracy. The ruling provides corporations with the tools necessary to invalidate very important and democratically-enacted reforms. For instance, the Court ruled that the independent expenditures do not give rise to corruption of elected officials or the appearance of corruption. In other words, the Supreme Court reasoned that corporations’ access to or influence over elected officials does not give rise to corruption, which in turn, will not cause the electorate to lose faith in our democracy. On February 2, 2012, I submitted testimony to the Joint Committee on the Judiciary in support of Senate Bill 772, a resolution introduced by Senator Jamie Eldridge. The resolution states that the First Amendment to the United States Constitution was designed to protect the speech rights of people and not corporations, and that the Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United V. FEC will damage to the First Amendment and our democracy. More than $1 million
Posted by gabinobaker (www.knoxnews.com) 210 days ago under chesterfield lyons japan more than -1 million
Danny Ledford and Kelly Ledford to Randall Curnow Jr. and Theresa Curnow, in Sherwood of Whittington Creek subdivision, $850,000.
Dale McLean and Cheryl McLean to Rajiv Dhand and Upinder Dhand, in Gettysvue subdivision, $725,000. Arvind Zaveri and Rajesh Zaveri to Vision Knoxville West LLC, in Ganga Partnership subdivision, $611,000. David Corum and Robin Corum to Mary Coulter, in Farm at Willow Creek subdivision, $530,000. Randall Curnow Jr. and Theresa Curnow to Mansour Hasan and Kelly Hasan, in Montgomery Cove subdivision, $520,000. « previous next » |
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