Posted by maximwebb (fishercapitalmanagementnews.com) 50 days ago under fisher capital management news fisher capital management research fisher capital management korea news fisher capital management local news investing solutions
Fisher Capital Management News: Record gold prices fuel increase in scams
17 AUG 2011 Fisher Capital Management News http://www.wcsh6.com/news/article/168777/2/Record-gold-prices-fuel-increase-in-scams Written by Tim Goff SOUTH PORTLAND, Maine (NEWS CENTER) — With gold prices at an all time high, state regulators are warning investors to beware of scam artists. “With a really bad economic downturn, with the recession, not only does it cause the average person to become fearful, but it also causes the scam artists to come out because they know that everybody is far more vulnerable than they were before,” stated Judith Shaw, administrator of the Maine Office of Securities.“Anytime somebody is telling you that they can give you a high rate of return with little or no risk to you, you really need to think twice about that,” she added. In recent weeks her office has received several calls from residents concerned about transactions they have made buying and selling gold. She says many of the advertisements on the internet, radio and television make claims that are not backed-up by the companies actions. “They send their money, there is a promise that the gold exists – maybe gold bullion – and that the seller who has reached out and made the contact will save that gold or silver in some safe location,” explained Shaw. “The danger is in many case... Fisher Capital Management: Triad Boiler Room Systems Launched New Commercial Boilers
Posted by maximwebb (nikitasagun-fishercapitalmanagement.blogspot.com) 61 days ago under fisher capital management warning reviews fisher capital management scam reviews strategies boiler room rated movies fisher capital management fraud news
Triad Boiler Room Systems Launched New Commercial Boilers
Fisher Capital on Boiler Room Equipment, Inc: Triad Boiler Systems manufactures uniquely rugged small-footprint hot water boilers, steam boilers, and radiant heating systems. All our boilers use 12 gauge firetubes in compact vessels that fit through very small doorways! Inputs range up to 2,000,000 BTU's. Create a highly efficient system with millions of BTU's by sequencing a string of these modular vessels. TRIAD's commercial boilers and industrial grade Hot Water Heating, Domestic Hot Water, and Steam boilers are used in a wide variety of applications. Our commercial boilers are used at schools, universities, apartments, hospitals, office buildings, retirement communities, and churches. Industrial uses have included bakeries, smelting operations, food processing, quenching systems, and various heating applications for manufacturing. Triads « previous next » |