Auburn Defense: What Changes Need to be Made?

posted by bluemoon22 29 days ago via under auburn tigers, war eagle, sports, college football, auburn
The Auburn Tigers defense is terrible. We aren't getting any push from our interior DT's, we are missing tackles, we can't stop teams on third down, we aren't getting turnovers, we aren't getting pressure, and we aren't making any adjustments. In our first three weeks, we have given up 624 yards (238 on the ground), 531 yards (333 on the ground, and 448 yards (227 on the ground). The Tigers defense has allowed 35 of 55 third down conversions, or 64%. The Clemson Tigers were even able to convert ten third downs in a row. I can go on forever with terrible statistic after terrible statistic attached to our defense.

It is clear that some changes need to be made, but what? Below are several people have been discussing:
Defensive Line - they are just unable to get any push or get off blocks. They are very young and lack experience. There is nothing we can do for that, but we do need to figure out who are our best and have them in the game at critical moments.
Getting off the Field on Third Down - simply put, we have to make coaching adjustments. We seem to play such a soft zone and give the receivers such a cushion that we are beating ourselves. By the time the db, that is 7 yards down the field away from the receiver, gets there, they already have the first down. We need to tighten up the coverage and challenge the receivers at the line and challenge the ball in the air.
Pass Rush - we basically have none, at least none from our front four. We have to start bringing blitzes. Even if we had descent coverage on their receivers, opponents quarterbacks have still converted on third because they've had all the time in the world to wait until someone finally gets open. We have to end this and bring the heat from all over the field.
Coaching - Coach Chizik needs to be more involved and hands on with the defense, something he hinted at in his post game Q and A's. Coach Roof also needs to make some adjustments, as he acknowledged following the Clemson debacle that he was it fault. Coach Roof said he's "responsible for this. I have to go back and evaluate everything, including myself - what I’m doing, what we’re doing. That’s all I know to do"
Linebackers - We need to make a change in personal. The guys we have been playing haven't been getting it done. They have repeatedly missed tackles, taken bad angles, and missed their assignment - this, of course, can be said about our entire defense.
Make Defensive Coaching Changes - I'm only putting this on here because I've seen it posted all over message boards to fire Ted Roof. I think it is too early to really consider such a move. Furthermore, we all know how make a coaching change mid-season ends...see 2008 Coach Franklin and Coach Tubberville debacle. Therefore, we don't need to make such considerations until after the season, if at all. It is important to note, our defense has consistently become worse in each year Roof has been the defensive coordinator.
Slow Down the Offense - our defense is very young at every position. We have an excellent run game with one of the best, if not the best, running backs in the nation. We need to start pounding it 25 to 30 times with Dyer. He is our best player and is reliable to get the job done. He had 151 yards on 16 carries for two touchdowns against Clemson. He was unstoppable. He can be used as a clock eater. Run it with him and then eat the play clock and do it again and get a few first downs this way. This will allow your defense to actually rest.
Well, these are just a few suggestions that I have seen around the net. What Changes do you think need to be made? Changes in all seven areas mentioned or changes in only one or two areas? I'm only giving individual options, an option for all the above, and an option for all of the above except firing Ted Roof. If you think it is a combo of the suggestions or if you have your own ideas on what we need to change, please leave a comment and let me know what you think. » Auburn Defense: What Changes Need to be Made?
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