Springhill Group Counselling - Goodwill Moon Rocks Missing![]()
posted by ambersaneil 18 days ago under springhill group, south korea, goodwil
Troy, MI -- (SBWIRE) -- 03/09/2012 -- NASA has recently admitted that most of the moon rocks brought to Earth from 2 Apollo space missions are missing.
Richard Nixon, who was then the US president, ordered the rock to be broken up into small fragments and sent to 135 foreign leaders and 50 local states. The 370 pieces of lunar rock from the 1969 and 1972 missions were collected to be given as gifts to different countries. Every goodwill moon rock was encased in lucite ball and placed on a wooden plaque with the receiving country's flag. A hundred of those were distributed to the 50 states of the US while 270 were given to various countries as a goodwill gift. To date, 184 of the goodwill rocks are unaccounted for (lost or stolen) -- 24 in the US and 160 worldwide. Some of the goodwill rocks have gone missing during times of political transition or revolution. » Springhill Group Counselling - Goodwill Moon Rocks Missing |
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